Online Help Disks scanning

Disks scanning

Files found—number of files saved on the logical or physical disk.

Logical disks found—number of logical disks found on the scanned physical disk.

MFT entries scanned—number of MFT records scanned during the current search stage (for NTFS.)

MFT entries total—number of MFT records to scan durign the current search stage (for NTFS.)

FAT folders found—number of FAT folders detected during raw search.

Sectors scanned—number of sectors scanned during the current search stage (when scanning a physical disk.)

Sectors total—number of sectors to scan during the current search stage (when scanning a physical disk.)

Items scanned—number of elements (files or folders) scanned during the current search stage.

Items total—number of elements (files or folders) to scan during the current search stage.

Search methods

Fast Search—MFT records or FAT folders on the existing file system are scanned.

Raw Search—clusters are being analyzed to determine files and folders (complete list of supported file types.)

Complete SearchFast Search and Raw Search are being performed.

Click “Skip Raw Search” during the Raw Search stage to abort scanning and view the fast search results.